and other random comics
by:Saaio ,JenJen 


First comic Previous comic

FEB Jul 2004
27 28 29 30 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7



>>>July 12, 2004

Hey all! I wonder if anyone every looks at this...I can never tell...oh well. I'm bored so I'm here...I think I'm going to post some random stuff now. mostly one pagers and short 6 page comics. have fun.
I think I'm going to erase all the comics and repost it all because the links are so messed up...what fun...this might take awhile.

>>February 11, 2004>>

ARG!!! Keenspace won't let my post anything! that's why nothing new posted...bah...stupid...
Going to post a comic's a mushy-gushy hopeless romantic comic...but what the heck...if you don't like those kind of comic don't come back for about 6 days because that's how many pages there are.

>February 5, 2004>

    OKAY, I'm fed up with the stupid not showing up images! so I'm getting rid of them...stupid keenspace....oh well. yeah it's all simplistic now...but I'm just freakin' tired of it!
oh yeah, go here for the whole thing about what happened to
oh yeah, I was checking the links and some of them are messed up...but it's not my fault! it's keenspace's.

>>>January 30, 2004>>>
    Here's my excuse... I've also been busy elsewhere with other stuff. Therefore, I'm not helping as much as I should be, and well, yeah. My deepest sympathy not only to our "loyal audience" but to saaio. Anyway... maybe I'll get off my lazy butt and help saaio, to post some of my stuff, or even launch ideas for my story... maybe even for the one saaio doesn't know about... but does now... oh well. She was bound to find out sooner or later. I'm leaving now before I reveal anything else I probably shouldn't.... like the time that saaio and I......



::: Navi :::
saaio's blog
jen jen's blog

layout made by elite grafix


hosted by Keenspace